Monday, August 29, 2011


So, when someone asks you "Where did you get this and that texture?" and you tell him.... When he asks you "How did you do this and how did you make that? I tried and failed. What am I doing wrong???" And you tell him.... Then you should get suspicious and don't wonder, if one day you will find this:



"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"


Misha said...

the Original has a better feel to it, I think once done they need to be raided as you already know all the hidden spots

Derren Macarthur said...

lol. It's a derp version of your build XD

Grunt Popstar said...

Ha. Well you know what they say...."Imitation is the highest form of flattery". But when it is done so badly, it is even better.

Teleny Macarthur said...

Grunt beat me to it, as per the comment. There can't be another Franzi, merely cheap imitators! Miss ya, bestie!

Franziskus said...

Awww, thank you all for your comments. - Well, I just found it amusing. The only thing I regret is, that I hadn't (yet) put the houses from Corcyrus on marketplace. Maybe I could have made the one or other L$ to pay rent? *grins*