Tuesday, November 17, 2009

busy weekend again

RL-work on friday, so there's not much to tell about that day. Too tired after work...

Saturday I took a day off RL-work to prepare everything for a meeting of the Tidre-group and for a surprise birthday-party for my love. Bad thing was, that he kept me busy the whole day. Well, wasn't so bad... *hehe*... but I couldn't tell him, that I would have to prepare his party and invite people, otherwise it wouldn't have been a SURPRISE party anymore!

So, we had that meeting on saturday. And afterwards the party for Kenshi, with DJ Heloq (mille grazie, bello!) which was his belated rezzday-party and at midnight CET his birthday party. Made a firework and all that, but actually I had not time to see it myself, too distracted by kissing my dragon. Some others said it was beautiful; I'll take their word for it!

Sunday after a very long RL-workday I did some BDSM-RP with my love. I needed the Gor-break and he wished it for his birthday. Was very good and exiting, except what happened at night.... but that's topic for a new article....

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