Sunday, November 9, 2008

Er gehört zu mir

Ah, weekend almost over. For tiger always exhausting cause of RL-work. But now fun-time begins! YAY!

Made my first object to sell... well, for 0 L$. *hehe* The mud-clothes for mud-wrestling on Tiger's Isle. Mud-wrestling is so sexy!
The isle hopefully will be ready soon. Then I'll have to take lots of pictures and write reports about all the different spots. Can't wait to jump with hubbie on every poseball... of course only with the purpose to take pictures for the reports. *uhemmm*

So, highlight of the weekend definitely was "Come as you were". Was a little disappointed, that not that much people showed up, but we had fun anyways. I started to laugh 2 hours before the party as I loaded the dance-ball with freebie-dances and played with my old skin and shape. Was so funny to combine old shape with new skin; old skin with new shape... etc.
And I had deleted all the old plastic-penisses I had collected in my..... errrr.... "younger years". So I had to get a new freebie one. Maximum size about 3 feet. Was lots of fun to poke others with it. *lol*
Well, a little shadow at the end of the party. But worked that out and made things up and everything's fine or even better now.

Thanks to uncle Rickie for playing "Er gehört zu mir". Well, could be a little ambiguous, but I want to think, that it was meant for my hubbie and me. That song is over 30 years old, but still played in every gay disco in Germany. I'll try a translation, though - typical German "Schlager" - it's not the exactly "poetic"; more like "You belong to me like honey to the bee"...


Er gehört zu mir, wie mein Name an der Tür. - He belongs to me like my name on the door
Und ich weiß er bleibt hier. - And I know he will stay

Nie vergeß ich unseren ersten Tag. - I'll never forget our first day
Denn ich fühlte gleich, daß er mich mag. - Cause I felt, that he likes me

Ist es wahre Liebe, die nie mehr vergeht? - Is it true love that never ends?
Oder wird die Liebe vom Winde verweht? - Or will the love be gone with the wind?

Er gehört zu mir wie mein Name an der Tür - He belongs to me like my name on the door
und ich weiß er bleibt hier. - And I know he will stay

Alles fangen wir gemeinsam an, - We're doing everything together
doch vergeß' ich nie wie man allein sein kann. - But I'll never forget how lonely one can be

Steht es in den Sternen, was die Zukunft bringt? - Is it written in the stars, what the future brings?
Oder muß ich lernen, daß alles zerrinnt. - Or do I have to learn, that nothings forever?

Er gehört zu mir wie mein Name an der Tür - He belongs to me like my name on the door.
und ich weiß er bleibt hier. - And I know he will stay

Nein, ich hab es ihm nie leicht gemacht. - No, I never made it easy for him
Mehr als einmal habe ich mich gefragt. - Asked myself more then once
Ist es wahre Liebe, die nie mehr vergeht? - Is it true love that never ends?
Oder wird die Liebe vom Winde verweht. - Or will the love be gone with the wind?

Er gehört zu mir für immer zu mir. - He belongs to me, forever to me
Er gehört zu Dir für immer zu Dir. - He belongs to me, forever to me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Honey I poured honey all over my privates, come and get it before the bees do. Giggity!