Wednesday, August 19, 2009

another new boy

Yesterday we built a bit on the isle. The entrance-part is ready and looks quite good, I think. To end the day, we went to Farnacium (Did I mention already: GO THERE AND VOTE! YOU! YES! YOU!!! *hehe*) to vote. Don't have many chances there, cause although of course I'm the oversmexiest on the pics - it's true! well, at least I'm the only nekkid one... -, I don't know many people in Farnacium. The price would cover 1 week tier of our Isle, so we could use the money well. All the traps and stuff is getting pretty expensive...
However, we were just about to leave, as a boy followed us. I knew him from a while ago. He seemed lost, without the protection of a Master... And after a short consideration, Kenshi collared him for our chain.

So, this is Momo - Second boy of Kenshi, fifth boy in chain:

I'm curious, how it works out. We had one time a boy "outside the family", and it didn't work out good. So, hopefully this time it gets better.

Makes me think of another boy we were about to collar a while ago, but haven't seen him for some weeks now. I hope he's fine...


Spanki Moulliez said...

aw, sorry bro, i was gonna go with some peple to vote but there were so many rules and regulations about entering the city that I just kinda gave up and went home again. Good luck thou, I hope that you win


Franziskus said...

*lol* Hey, bro! You shouldn't go and RAID THE CITY... that's what the rules are for. Wearing the Gor-meter on OOC or wearing an observer tag would have done. But it's fine...

Hope you are well? Haven't heard from you for a whiley! *kiss and licks*

Spanki Moulliez said...

hehe, im oki, and i'll go along to the other place and hit your board. lets go dancing soon bro!

love you

kissnlicksback x0x