Tuesday, September 8, 2009

after weekend update

I think I'm getting senile or it's just so many things happening and then again nothing such spectacular to remember it all. And well, as usual worked RL most of the times.

Lil bro Mick rented a parcel for the closer family. We are running out of prims on our Isle of Tidra. Well, still around 800 left, but for fighting you need a reserve of about 500 prims. Ha! Today I flew over old entries and remembered how we started with the first parcel. 120 prims or so. Then the bigger one with about 450. Next step was 936 and still not enough. And now 3.747 and still not enough. Give me a full SIM and I'd continue running out of prims. *heh* Oh well, if you visit the isle of Tidra, you will see where they were going....
However, so for our private home the lil devil rented another parcel and now we have our old cottage back (the penthouse still remaining though I start to ask myself for what; brothers Juz and Very don't use it anyways anymore). I love that cottage. Reminds me of the french Bretagne or something. But I'm too tired to start building something new again, glad, when the Isle of Tidra finally is finished, and so my sweet lil devil offered to build it himself. He's in building-fever now. Doing a very, very good job! Talented young rascal he is!

So, hmmmm.... what else? Been to Tiger's Isle, dancing. The bestest hubby of all joined me though he was terribly, terribly tired. Thanks to RLV he could sleep and when it was time for me to sleep also, I put him over my shoulders and dragged him home, undressed him and attached his penis (*heh*) and then tucked him in. He awoke for a moment, sleepy, cute... Lovely! - Cept for the typical technical issues the RLV viewer is funny (and useful) stuff.

Sunday evening finally saw someone special again. Well, two specials - my third boy Brian, who's not so often in SL, and my cowboy. Me and my boy gave him a tour through the island. I guess, he liked it. Albeit - he never says something negative, so you can't really "trust" the praise. *huh*

Well, and that's it, I guess. Did some photoshoting with my twin for my Kenshi on monday, which isn't easy, when you try to handle a double-connection and make good (?) pics at the same time:

Was alone the whole evening and the night because of some sad reason. But spend the time building... never getting lonely even when alone.

I think, that was the news so far. Sorted out my inventory today for hours and hours. With the result: From 20.248 down to 19.980 items. But still a lot to do. Want to come at least under 15.000 again, better would be 10.000. *sighs*

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