Wednesday, September 9, 2009

shopping - Boycut

A kitteh never has enuff clothes, though I'm not much of a shopper. Just for the reason, as I'm getting laggy from all dah pictures too quickly. But I thought, I'd might start a new post-label with tips, if I find something of interest. As today: By coincidence went with my Kenshi to Boycut to buy some cheeky undies. I love those cheeky undies, especially when the wearer stands in a corner with a red bumm - but anyways! Recognized that there's Closing Down Sale now. Each item only 10 L$!
Some undies are not that spectacular, but the cheeky ones are yummy and those with sculpted bulges make a nice package. You got time til 18th of September, then it's closed. So, hurry up!

As you see: We bought some!

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