Monday, July 7, 2008

Who's who

As some friends complained that there are too many names, I decided to start a who-is-who list with the all the people on my friendslist, as far as I'm mentioning them. I'm starting with my


Kenshiro Pevensey
- my love and companion on Earth, on Gor and throughout the whole universe -

He healed my wounded heart and showed me how wonderful and trustful love can be. He's my master, my slave. My human, my kitteh. My sunlight in the day and my brightest moon by night. I'm devoted to him with my heart, my soul and my body. And so is he to me. Thank you, my Kenshi, my love!

Rammy Urriah
- my oldest brother -

From the earliest days in our second lifes we know each other. There were months when we were inseperable. But then each one started to follow his own path. He's the person who knows the most about me, even about my RL (but don't ask him, he won't tell you *hehe*). We still meet almost every time when he's inworld. Sometimes for a good talk, sometimes just for a hug and a hello.

Dougg Eebus
- my little kitteh -

He had a hard life and I promised to take care of him. He's very small and often mistaken as a child; but he isn't. He's just small, he says. He loves to dress fancy, sometimes girly clothes too. That's oki. Anything that makes him happy. I collared him to show the world, that he's mine and better noone ever hurt him. But I don't take advantage of the collar. Maybe I should?

Spanki Moulliez
- my brother -

My second big love in my linden-life. We broke each others hearts. Too sensitive and too insecure both of us. But finally we could be-friend again, brothered and are best friends forever now. Love you, my princely panthered brother!

Mickael Pevensey
- my lil bro and lil devil -

My man's lil bro RL and SL, therefore officially my brother-in-law, but I adopted him as my bro also. He's my kajirus at Gor and my pet on Earth. Big hearted and brave lil devil. Sometimes a bit tempered. But everyone who hurts him will feel the Tiger's claws and fangs...

JoJo Mandel
- my brother -

Started as Co-dancer at Premier and we became good friends. I can almost always rely on him. Love to work with him or just hang out with him at the pool. Became my brother in August 2008. Love him much. But definitely have to get more incestuous contacts with him. *hehe*
Boyfriend of Dafydd Sodwin.

Justyn Maurer
- my brother -

Met him once in a club and we had sex on the dance-floor. That's a good way to introduce yourself.
He became dancer for Tiger's Tail. Always horny, always eager to get nekkid and so damn sexy, you wanna lick him all over all the time.

Kyne Tigerpaw
- my brother -

Met him as friend of Dafydd Trevellion. And somehow he suddenly was kinda attached to me. Didn't take too long to adopt him as my little brother.
His internet connection is a little annoying - very slow and always crashing. He's partnered to Koen. Don't have to much (body-)contact these days.

Neville Braveheart
- my brother -

Started as dancer for Tiger's Tail Entertainment. While I suffered from my divorce of Q, we came closer and finally we brothered. He's a very sensitive soul and it always hurts me, when he get hurt or someone talks bad about him behind his back.

Jordyn Carnell
- kind of brother -

Call him "JC". Saw him several times before I really met him at a naked photoshoting. Lucky me! He started to read my blog and me his. And somehow we came closer. He's became good friend and a kinda brother, though never officially adopted.
He's the kindest and most helpful soul I ever met in SL, which is sometimes sooooooo annoying! ;-) (You know, what I mean!) Next to my bro Rammy, he is the one who knows the most about my RL. Thank you for your time, Cowboy! (and I have to get a better picture of him soon. With hat!)

Andrej Petlyakov
- my angel -

He started as pledge in our fraternity and became my first big love in my linden-life. But his interests changed and so he became the first to break my heart here. For a while we had no contact, but as I met him again after months, I recognized, how much I missed him. I'm happy that we can be good friends now. He will always remain in my heart.

Tree Amat
- my brother -

Met him as he was a Gorean slave, unsatisfied with his master. Gave him a home for a while and adopted him as brother. He's soooo cute, sexy and naughty. He went back to Gor into Dashiel's and Mikal's family, but isn't too often there, I think. However, I'd like to spend more time with him. Did I mention that he's sexy?

Jeremie Rabeni
- my brother -

Came to the family in August 2008. Unlike my other brothers he, Abadon and me were pets to Q. The family-idea didn't work out, but he will always remain my brother, even if we don't have any contact anymore.

Abadon Kraft
- my brother -

Q brought him into the family as his pet and my brother in September 2008. Like Q had problems with me & Jeremie, I had some problems and insecurity with Q & Abs in the beginning. But things started to work out fine... not too long. However, once brother, always brother. So, I wish you the very best, Abadon. Find peace!

Niambraa Likin (R.I.P.)
- my sister-

I met her while I was shopping. We flirted, though I'm gay. But we had a deep connection. And from that day on, we spent a lot of time together. So I adopted her as sister. Loved to dance and talk with her. Surprisingly she commited RL-suicide in June 2008.

Kitana, wherever you are, I miss you!

Dandy Andel
- my sister-

Niambraa's RL-sister. She came inworld after Nia's death and stayed here. The contact isn't as deep as to Nia, but I promised to take care of her. So I adopted her as sister too.

Vernidi Avro
- my nephew -

Met him in the earlies days of my SL-life. He was looking for a strict daddy who spanks his little ass regularly, but I'm too young to be a daddy. So I became his uncle. Don't meet him too often and he's always fidgeting and on the run, so I gave up caring for his education. But I'm sure he still needs a lot of spankings!


Jordyn Carnell said...

I can't wait to read what it says when you get to the "J"'s

Franziskus said...

Ha! I stopped at "I", just to tease you....

Gregster said...

I'm waiting to see what sort of write up Kaj gets, given that he is sexier that I am!!

Jordyn Carnell said...

with all the pix of me on flikr, slprofiles, and in private collections around sl.. THAT is the best picture you found?

~grin with a wink~

Justyn Maurer said...

mebbe it's time to update da family tree as it's growing quite well now. It haz grown a couple more branches since you last watered and mulched it. *Justyn gives you a cheeky wink then climbs up one of da branches and snoozes there*